Updated Goal List Thingy

I need to update this thing more. Also, I should have put the Honeysuckle Creek climb on here, that was a nice climb. Also Fitz's hill.. I don't think I'll ever do that again

- Lake George, 68km round trip
- Murrumbateman, 75km round trip
- Bungendore, 76km round trip... was 100km in the end.. took the long way home
- Collector, 110km round trip
- Yass, 105km round trip
- Corin Dam, 125km round trip - Only gets a half strikethrough, only rode to the top of the hill, not the dam. It snowed!
- Cooma, 122km one way
- Braidwood, 173km round trip (road might be dodgy though)
- Batemans Bay, 146km one way (dodgy road?)
- Goulburn, 178km round trip (the giant ram lives here!)
- Canberra-Collector-Yass-Canberra, 195km 
- Cooma, 244km round trip
- Sydney???, 286km one way


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