I need to update this thing more. Also, I should have put the Honeysuckle Creek climb on here, that was a nice climb. Also Fitz's hill.. I don't think I'll ever do that again
Lake George, 68km round trip
- Murrumbateman, 75km round trip
- Bungendore, 76km round trip... was 100km in the end.. took the long way home
Collector, 110km round trip
Yass, 105km round trip
Corin Dam, 125km round trip - Only gets a half strikethrough, only rode to the top of the hill, not the dam. It snowed!
Cooma, 122km one way
Braidwood, 173km round trip (road might be dodgy though)
Batemans Bay, 146km one way (dodgy road?)
Goulburn, 178km round trip (the giant ram lives here!)
Canberra-Collector-Yass-Canberra, 195km
- Cooma, 244km round trip
Sydney???, 286km one way
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